Friday, September 26, 2008

My parent's visit

So, my wonderful parents came to visit us last week. They had an old dresser set and BBQ grill they thought we could use (plus it was a handy excuse to see the grandbabies), so they drove up from Ione, CA to come work, uh, I mean hang out, with us.

Hah! My simple desire of merely wanting my electrician Dad to help us install a light in my living room ceiling turned into 4 different projects (none of which wound up being my unnecessary desire for a front room light). Instead of my parents resting and taking a nice little break, they threw themselves into their best "shirt off your back" parental role and did miraculous fixes for us for which we're incredibly grateful.

My kitchen faucet was broken (only the hot water worked), my husband had broken the back door to the house a week before by kicking it in when he was locked out, the pull chain on my kitchen light
had been busted/stuck for WEEKS, and our toilet had been behaving poorly for years and seemed close to giving up the ghost.

My parents generously fixed all of these things for us, on their dime (cuz we sure as heck didn't have it!). I'm so grateful I'm
almost sick to my's a difficult feeling to relay. Anywho, here are some fun pics from their slave labor visit:

Here's my Dad slaving away on our fantastic new toilet. It seems silly to be so excited about a new toilet, but we got to put down a small but lovely piece of linoleum where the owners before us had made the tragic and unforgivable mistake of laying down carpet in a BATHROOM! Plus, this toilet will never ever clog! My niece can now use it without fear. The added bonus is that the new toilet is so nice and clean! My old toilet wouldn't have cleaned away all of its rust and mineral deposit stains if I'd soaked it in pure hydrochloric acid for a week... You may also notice that the people before us decided never to paint the wall space behind what was a HUGE tank.

Here's a super cute pic of my Dad with his little grand-daughter Aeva Loraine (we call her often in fact that her little brother Liam now calls her "Beans". I blame her Dad). My Mom somehow managed to avoid the camera this entire visit. She won't be so lucky next time...

And next time, we're gonna take'em up to Sundance behind Mt. Tempanogos and show 'em the perty stuff around here.