Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Aeva's First Steps, Sambelina the St. Patrick's Day mommy, and more goodies...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! There's no better day to birth babies than on the most popular of all Irish holidays. :-) Our cute little Himalayan kitty became a mommy today. She scratched and meowed at our bedroom door this morning, which she's never done before. We thought that strange, and even stranger still when she kept trying to peer into and somehow get inside our dresser drawers. She was insistent. So I pulled out a drawer and in she went, deep inside the dresser, climbing over drawers internally to nest in a nicely closed drawer. We realized this must be the big event, so I pried her out to remove my clothing in the drawer and reline it with something appropriate. Less than 4 hours later, she'd given birth to 3 white kittens. Sadly, on of them was stillborn. The other two seem to be thriving.

Way to go Sam! :-)

Aeva is graduating to a toddler's forward facing seat, which we purchased at TJ Maxx last night. Here are the kids having fun with the box :-)

Here's a cute, recent pic of Aeva asleep in her chair with her baby doll:

And finally, here are some of Aeva's first steps! Cool stuff. Go little girl!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Aeva's First Birthday!!

Today has been a good day. Aeva woke up happy and was charming all day. For her first birthday, she decided to make two "firsts". She climbed from the floor to the very top of the couch today, and she took her first steps today! (5 in a row). That's my girl!! She also experienced her first nosebleed from an accidental smack in the face by Liam with her Cabbage Patch doll. She's tough!

We put on a simple party for Aeva and had a great turnout of family and friends. I made Aeva her own little white kitty cat cake, with blue M&M's for eyes, a sour pink Skittle for a nose, and a pink "sour straw" as the collar. Also, the flower on the cat's head matches the one I stuck on Aeva :-)

And then we sang Happy Birthday!

She picked off the sour skittle nose first and made a great face:

Here she is eating the sour string "collar":

We love our little girl!!